It is uncomfortable that the computer clan eats the cherry environment every day
Summary: The iron content of the cherry occupies the first place in fruit, is more than 20 times of citrus, pear and apple the above, and the iron is raw materials of hemoglobin, are very suitable for women influenced by computer radiation to eat.
The cherry that the color and luster is captivating, the acid is sweet and delightful is a generally acknowledged cosmetic good merchantable brand, according to the introduction of expert, the cherry has an important efficiency: Can relieve computer workers' uncomfortable symptom.
The expert claims, computer workers because eyes cross and watch the screen attentively long, will make the sensitization material on the retina consume too much, if can't supplement vitamin A and relevant nutrient, apt symptom of causing eyes aching, eyesight to drop, are afraid of all etc. in time, even bring out nyctalopia. So, computer workers are much higher than common people to the requirement of vitamin A. According to surveying and determination, the content of vitamin A is 4- 5 times higher than fruits such as the apple, grape,etc. in every 100 grams of fresh cherries, of great advantage to this kind of group.
In addition operate computer, will result in, point joint, wrist, the intersection of arm and the intersection of muscle, both shoulders, shank, back,etc. and sour bloated pain of position also for a long time, contain abundant the intersection of cyanine and plain, the intersection of design and plain and Vitamin E,etc. in the cherry, the nutrient is effective antioxidant, it is very effective to ache in dispelling muscles, the edible cherry can subside swelling, lighten pain within a few days.
On the other hand, the iron content of the cherry occupies the first place in fruit, is more than 20 times of citrus, pear and apple the above, and the iron is raw materials of hemoglobin, are very suitable for women influenced by computer radiation to eat.
The expert proposes, soak the cherry with rice vinegar for one week, drink respectively in morning and evening once, about 20 mls each time, it is very effective to improving various symptoms arising from using the computer for a long time. Need to pay attention to cherry can't eat more, except that high in iron content it, cyanogen glucoside also with a certain amount, eat too much will cause irons to be poisoned or cyanide is poisoned.
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