Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thick liquid disease in the computer clan watches out for

Thick liquid disease in the computer clan watches out for

Big three Xiao original eyesight Hong fine this year, unexpected feeling think things to be fuzzy before the one month. It is played more that he thought to play with the computer, then was far away from the computer, added and dripped eye drops outside. Two weeks later, eyesight really resumed. Then in order to deal with the examination, Xiao Hong begins K book hard again. Two days ago, the similar phenomenon has appeared again, more serious than last time this time, besides dropping in eyesight, feel like one rolls the grayish yellow shadowing at the moment, the things seen have been all diminished, the straight line seen becomes crooked. Xiao Hong go hospital check, the intersection of defendant and their finally, thick liquid disease while suffering from.
The first ophthalmology department of affiliated hospital yellow second committee's professor in Chinese Medicine University of Guangzhou points out, it is the abbreviation of the centre slurry chorioid retinal pathological change that the thick liquid of China is ill, damage common macula lutea diseases caused because of the cortex function on the retinal pigment. The morbidity of the thick liquid disease is relatively high in our country, common to the men between twenty and fifty, the simple eye is seen more, also there are eyes that have illness coming on, relatively simple eye person of the condition of persons who have illness coming on of eyes is serious. It is fuzzy that the patient has eyesight, eyesight failing, watching attentively shadow, looking at thing symptom of changing color etc. out of shape of centre.
Because of hit the intersection of thick liquid and disease, relate to the fact that eyes are too tired often, a lot of apt to look at tired to obscure it patient, drip eye drops, deal with by oneself, and middle thick liquid one limit disease since in disease, the intersection of disease and about one of course of disease this by half can resume as usual by oneself month, the patient is apter to ignore the condition, the systems inspection of less than hospitals and treating, delays good treatment period. But this disease is apt to break out repeatedly, if the condition delays and does not heal for a long time, the damage that probably causes eyesight to be irreversible.
Expert say, appear the intersection of eyesight and decline, should enhance vigilance at the symptom, go to see doctor as soon as possible. Except the diagnosis of the intersection of middle and the intersection of thick liquid and disease is checked according to patient's subjective symptoms and optical fundus, had better do the fluorogenic angiography of optical fundus in order to assist to diagnose, can also have the intersection of optical fundus and the intersection of macula lutea and pathological change and in the center nature exudative retinitis that suffer from apter with another the young and the middle aged through radiography ' China oozes) Differentiation.
The thick liquid disease must let eyes get the abundant rest at first while suffering from, life should be regular, avoid eating the irritation, frying the greasy food. It is penetrating that very oral vitamin C, E, way man of Western medicine,etc. reduce the capillary, in order to improve symptom. If macula lutea breakthrough of district does not close to the intersection of in the center and most, can close the breakthrough with laser. Can also use eye drops to the ill under the guidance of doctor, drip for 3-4 times every day, dispel the function with hydropic macula lutea. It may be with the colored glue stewed chicken soup (spend 2 strings of glue, the chicken 100 overcomes) in period to recover Weekly, cook the diet treatment, in order to consolidate curative effect.
The editor recommends:Disease which working clan initiate most easily


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