Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cervical vertebra question of the computer clan

Cervical vertebra question of the computer clan
Cervical vertebra disease mean the intersection of plate and the intersection of regression and sex change among the cervical vertebra, continue the intersection of vertebra and the intersection of digital articulation and the intersection of regression and the intersection of and the intersection of person who become and spinal, nerve, corresponding symptom and physical sign that blood vessel damage and display of sending etc.. It is a greater number because of cervical vertebra disease, in a very large range, the ones that should talk are numerous too, we are by talking commonly for the example. Now urban life, the intersection of job and high pressure, computer popularity too very high, go to work the intersection of clan elder and one sit in front of the computer; The students in middle and primary schools study the task strenuously and studying the pressure, the time to sit is longer. Because long-term position of sitting is incorrect, muscles, soft tissue produce fatigue, cause the bearing of the overload of cervical vertebra. Long-term, repeated strain, irritate him, produce pain. And middle-aged and old patient because of old, appear under the the same as young people situation of pathological change at the intersection of regression and foundation that change, symptom will be serious. Except that the cervical vertebra pains, if the one that present osseous hyperplasia, ligament is plump, can cause the retreating and changing of narrow, intervertebral disc of the vertebra hole, it is outstanding to produce the intervertebral disc, then on the issue that not merely one strain. Will also present the neural stimulus, such as the tingling of hands, the shoulder,etc., etc..
Office clan become the high hair crowd
According to the past experience, cervical vertebra disease mostly take place over 50, on the office clan bending over one's desk working for a long time. But in recent years, with the popularization day by day of the computer, cervical vertebra disease trends to become youngers, besides working clan, there are other crowds using the computer for a long time, and students. Especially the crowd using the computer for a long time, the probability happening is very high. Involved in position of sitting, habit mainly. And what everybody quite cared about drives in the clan, cervical vertebra disease appears very much easily instead.
What kind of types does the cervical vertebra disease have?
Because of diversification of clinical manifestation their, fen the same even method of type its disease this. Come up what of dividing from definition, cervical vertebra of disease into type, can be divided into: Spinal type cervical vertebra disease, neural root type cervical vertebra disease, vertebra artery type cervical vertebra disease, sympathetic neural type cervical vertebra disease. These kinds of types have each eclipsed part, there are one's own manifestation too. Say only it may be eclipsed that some behave from symptom. For example may there is manifestation of pain, but the property, reason of its pain are different, need a comprehensive doing in the test amount, namely through symptom, physical sign which the doctor checks and some auxiliary examination, distinguish such as X-ray photograph, ct, magnetic resonance, supersound Doppler, electric picture of neural skin, etc..
Has got the cervical vertebra disease, what shall I do?
Get the cervical vertebra disease, should certainly go to the hospital to look for the doctor to check. The doctor should be to carrying on the inquiry of patient's medical history, find out about the patient's symptom at first, the properties of pain. Then doctor go on corresponding physics, check to the patient and then, passed these, the doctor comes to choose auxiliary examination again. Because of the variety of cervical vertebra disease, it checks tactics not the same, there are its emphasis points respectively, mainly still chosen the auxiliary examination tactics suitable for the patient the grasping of patient's condition according to the doctor, either single one, or jointly check. Combine the medical history, the doctor's inspection and auxiliary examination are diagnosed synthetically. After there is correct diagnosis, we can find the correct method to treat it. The treatment of the cervical vertebra disease is roughly divided into two blocks: Not performing the operation, treatment and surgery are therapeutic. Only if perform the operation it is treated that treatment namely we am usually said conservative, most cervical vertebra diseases can be treated and relieved through not performing the operation. Mainly have drug therapy, the tape of pillow of jaw is drawn, the neck asks and encloses the neck, the massage of massage, but the massage of cervical vertebra disease must be careful, because there are very great side effects, acupuncture and moxibustion, the physiotherapy (such as the supersound, infrared ray, magnetotherapy) , self- health care treatment, namely sport treatment. The doctor judges according to the patient's condition what movement should be done, combine with the sports of whole body. Surgery is used mainly for guarding and failing to respond to any medical treatment, and the effective situation of surgery treatment. In fact, our main purpose of surgery treatment is to solve the problem that his spinal or the neural root is damaged.



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