The computer is not a healthy enemy
Work of people enjoy facility that science and technology bring fully now, and these whom computer bring. And with the constant popularization of the computer, the longer the the younger person's time to contact the computer during it all one's life is. Some people can't help asking whether the computer will threaten our health, it is said computer can radiation produce the intersection of X and ray, and strong electric magnetic field, this will cause the intersection of blood and cancer? The answer is certainly denied. Displays of the computers all belong to " visual terminal device " like television ,Abbreviated as VDL. Its operation principle is hitting to and scribbling on the panel with glimmering fire material with the high-pressure electron, form and give out light the picture. And though X ray device has a device which launches the electron, it is much bigger inside the power ratio VDL. High energy, high-speed electron are shelled to the purpose-built target board (generally made of tungsten of very high density) Have, shoot the particle bunch with electricity with angle of about 45 degrees, namely X ray. Obviously, though VDL and X ray device all use electron as the job material, the principle and effect produced are totally different. Computer really can form electric magnetic field work, hairdryer, the intersection of razor and these little stuff will produce the electric magnetic field too while starting in fact. So electric magnetic field have everywhere, harmful to it depends on how about it will be his intensity or not. According to the stipulations of International Labour Organization and International Commission on Radiological Protection, the security demarcation line of the electric magnetic field is it is specially drawn that 0.2-0.4 is little (the energy unit of electric magnetic field) ,From display, the intersection of television and the intersection of screen and 0.5 place, field intensity 0.9 little to draw specially, 5 place 0.1 little to draw specially, can't nearly examine out in place of 30 centimetres. And computer users, who will apply the face to the display screen? In fact, during 1993-1994, International Commission on Radiological Protection had organized the large-scale investigation, the staff members related to over ten countries and thousands of operation, have totally denied the danger to the human body of the computer in result. So, the computer is our good friend, good assistant, but not our enemy. Select from the medical network of Asia
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