Thursday, December 20, 2012

Use _'s cosmetic recipe of seven anti-aging methods of green tea

Use _'s cosmetic recipe of seven anti-aging methods of green tea
The nutrition of the first idea, tea includes water soluble and two parts of lipid solubility, the latter is insoluble in water, no matter how many times are washed remains in the tea all the time, so, it is so good as to absorb tea nutrition to eat the tea.
Note: The choice of eating tea must be prudent. Because there will be pesticide and heavy metal that remain in some tea, these materials are difficult to dissolve in water, but there will be many one that is absorbed by the human body after eating.
The second idea, Bi Luochun(a green tea) have another name called beauty's tea, is suitable for making into the soup of custard for ladies to improve looks and drink. Also such a quick worker of Bi Luochun(a green tea)'s fried/stir-fried chicken shreds fries youngly.
Third idea, wash hair liquid. Rushing about during the journey is extremely apt to make the hair dry up wan and sallow. Have one's hair washed with the tea, can make the hair gentle and agreeable and bright.
Fourth idea, repair frost shine. During the journey if the skin is sunburned by the burning sun, daub in red affected part with the cool strong tea juice, can slow down, disappear the scorching hot pain sense of skin.
Five idea, watch TV and use computer at,last green tea can reduce by radiation getting more effective very. (this should all write to count the computer clans firm, I spend while of the computer greatly drinking the green tea!)
Six idea, because cold to cause trick fracture or catch hemorrhoid, chew, apply, split a small amount of tea while being dry, wrap the gauze or rubberized fabric, the crack will heal quickly.
The seventh idea, faint! Do not really keep people guessing. The tea is applied to the skin care to whiten, go many kinds of efficiency such as small pox, moistening, maintaining the skin, reducing wrinkle, clean, delicate skin of deep layer, because different tea right to count in variety and a different one again, group into, get here I, find just exactly, really have no idea to sum up many kinds of application methods in the last idea.
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