Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Why does the man build up body to dote on the dumbbell

Why does the man build up body to dote on the dumbbell
The man just needed male genital, needed strong muscles, the next set of " conventional weapons " fully The dumbbell, it can make you make the new violent man's dream and become reality.

Elect on the dumbbell shoulder
Goal position: Shoulder, upper chest
The standing position of the position of sitting will do, two legs step on the ground separately, the truck keeps straight and upright. Each hold a dumbbell in dual tactics, the centre of the palm is forward, the elbow is bent into 90 degrees. Have an effect and lift the dumbbell to the top of the head. Control the dumbbell to reduce to the initial position slowly.
Why practise it
The man's shoulder should be wide enough, can bear responsibility, reveal the tendency of giving vent to anger. The width of the shoulder depends on the volume of skeleton and shoulder deltoid muscle, the skeleton is limited by in heredity and difficult to change, but we can temper the deltoid muscle of shoulder. Elect and mainly practise the deltoid muscle of shoulder and assist and temper skin top and chest muscle top of oblique side on the shoulder, if what you worried about one's own is very thin, practise this movement more. For make good result, can also increase, cite while being flat in front of the dumbbell, side cite, bend the intersection of side and flat the intersection of person who put up and movement while being flat.
Row the boat in dumbbell upright
Goal position: Shoulder
Standing position, two leg separate with wide with buttocks, it is straight and upright for truck to keep, dual tactics respectively hold a dumbbell, dumbbell dangerous at thigh,centre of the palm towards behind. Crooked and carrying the elbow joint on both sides and proposing the dumbbell vertically to pull to the height of shoulder joint, notice the elbow joint slightly higher than the dumbbelling at this moment. Stay several second, transfer the dumbbell, go to initial position slowly and then.
The editor recommends:Make the intersection of man and the intersection of muscle and protruding 6 loud unique skill



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