Saturday, January 19, 2013

Vaccine of hepatitis A is not that everyone is useful! 's prevention and health care

Vaccine of hepatitis A is not that everyone is useful! 's prevention and health care
Some parents are afraid the child have an injection and ache or are afraid of inoculating and reacting, regard inoculating taboo disease as the excuse, unwilling to let the intersection of child and vaccine inoculation, this incorrect.
Vaccine of hepatitis A is not the blood source products, will not infect hepatitis A and other diseases after inoculating. Every virus susceptible persons, the age children, teenagers, adult over 1 to the hepatitis A should inoculate, but the following four crowds can't hit hepatitis A vaccine: Uncomfortable and generating heat, the warm persons who exceed 37.5 of armpit; Suffer from to acute infective disease or other serious diseases person; Suffer from to the immune defect or persons who are accepting immune inhibitor; Anaphylactic physique person, know to the intersection of vaccine and the irritated composition or inoculate vaccine, have irritated response person before already especially, it is forbidden to inoculate vaccine.
Master taboo disease correctly, since reduce the important measure which inoculates side reaction and accident, also persons who make every one inoculate get the immune assurance. Doctor and parents should grasp, close cooperation conscientiously, must understand carefully whether are suitable for inoculating by the physical condition of inoculating people before vaccine inoculation, especially parents want the intersection of child and at that time physical condition accurately to plan, reflect by immune organization and doctor, otherwise not probably get the result of preventing hepatitis A, initiate other problems instead.
The allergic physique person belongs to " The health " Crowd, they often will think of irritated to have a fatal danger, especially the child is unable to state one's own situation, the psychology of comforming is relatively strong, it is apt to make mistake when large quantities of crowds inoculate at the same time, had better be led vaccine inoculation by parents at this moment.
In addition, some parents are afraid the child have an injection and ache or are afraid of inoculating and reacting, regard inoculating taboo disease as the excuse, unwilling to let the intersection of child and vaccine inoculation, this incorrect. Inoculate, react until children ill to compare in fact, it ill to threaten loud certainly. So, each of parents must not give up the immunization campaign easily.


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