Monday, January 21, 2013

's prevention and health care of self-insurance scheme that hepatitis A and virus spread

's prevention and health care of self-insurance scheme that hepatitis A and virus spread
First type hepatitis (abbreviated as hepatitis A) It is by hepatitis A and virus (HAV) A kind of virus hepatitis caused, mainly transmit the route through excrement mouth to infect, namely excrement and urine, the intersection of hepatitis A and virus in the blood pollute source of water, food, apparatus, life, keep in close touch, enter gastrointestinal tract and travel by mouth by incubation period in patient or acute issue.
Wipe the furniture away regularly, change and wash sheet pillowcase, towel and clothes regularly, got on dirty clothes, sheet, furniture or surface of floor by vomit or excrement, available antiseptic is used after diluting on request.
The temperature of the refrigerator must keep under four , the freezer temperature must be in order to shoulder under 18 , defrost and wash regularly.
Keep the toilet clean, dry and comfortable. If must wash the lavatory behind the lavatory. And then wash hands with the liquid of soap or soap before a meal.
Eat totally very ripe food only, avoid, it eats to be all born or half-mature marine products food, including the shell. Only drink water of boiling, bottled drink which the high-reputable company makes and pass the disinfecting milk or its products.
The food is boiled completely, the drinking water wants thorough boiling, culinary art apparatus and tableware should be cleaned appropriately, keep the kitchen neat and dry and comfortable at any time.
Mao Han mixes the dangerous over hepatitis A of Chinese liquor to close
Mention hepatitis A that Shanghai broke out prevailed big in 1988, the Shanghai people over 30 of now all remembered clearly. That year, Shanghai people caused 310,000 people's hepatitis A to prevail big because of the edible hair blood clam, 47 people die.
The infeted finding directly in Shanghai are 310,000 in the hepatitis A disturbance
Shanghai of April of 1988, the number of people which was infected with hepatitis A peaked again and again. 16 days among them in April, Japan's report has illness coming on and counts over 10,000.
The kind bright memory of the chief physician of Shanghai infectious hospital witch, in the hepatitis A disturbance lasting more than half a year, the infeted who Shanghai finds directly are 310,000, according to the law on medical science, it is the infeted's quadruple not to enter the clinical patient who carry hepatitis A and virus but on one's body, this means there were 1,500,000 people in Shanghai to carry hepatitis A and virus at that time. And the population of the whole city of Shanghai was only 12 million at that time.
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