Saturday, January 19, 2013

The strongest _'s general knowledge when is first hepatitis infective

The strongest _'s general knowledge when is first hepatitis infective
Hepatitis A and virus mainly exist to the hepatitis A patient or invisible in the infeted's excrement and urine, arrange malicious long 2-3 weeks, hide the intersection of morbidity and initial stage a large number of poisonous platoon for end. So hepatitis A hide later stage and the intersection of jaundice and infective and most better several days appear, when disappearing gradually after jaundice and peak, condition take a favorable turn, infective to subside also. Two weeks after general jaundice appears, although some patients can still detect the virus particle in the excrement and urine, but the real infection obviously drops, in 3 weeks after jaundice appears, it is already very difficult to find hepatitis A and virus in the patient excrement and urine, it is infective not to basically have at this moment. Someone think acute A, patient, hepatitis of B, live one room together, go on, follow up a case by regular visits to, observe to the intersection of hepatitis B and patient that it leave hospital in recent years, not finding the phenomenon of hepatitis A of cross infection, so, subdue and step back by the hepatitis A patient to jaundice, have not needed to and then limit or isolate strictly yet. But in order to prevent diffusion of hepatitis A to the maximum extent, our country stipulates that takes separation measure to the hepatitis A patient, it takes no less than 30 days having illness coming on from day.


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