Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Surge _ symptom of syndrome in advance according to electrocardiogram

Surge _ symptom of syndrome in advance according to electrocardiogram
Every bypass causes the electrocardiogram characteristic that defies in advance as follows.
(1) Bypath of room room
Among the PR issue ' It is actually one among P - ) Shorten it under 0.12 seconds, are mostly 0.10 seconds;
QRS lengthens nearly more than 0.11 secondses time limit;
QRS wave groups of initial part thick and blunt, take shape in rhythm with other part, namely defy in advance while being what is called Then sending ST-T wave changes.
The above-mentioned electrocardiogram changes and is still divided into two type A, B. Pre- shock wave and QRS of A type the intersection of wave and group lead, unite upwards in V1, and the Model B V1 leads pre- shock wave and QRS wave and main wave of group united downwards; The cardiac muscle of bottom is surged in advance after the former briefs on the left room or right room, and the latter briefs on the pre- skin of cardiac muscle of wall front side the right room. It is a restriction of the wave group of changeable QRS due to bypass of different positions though such categorised method receives defying in advance, but contribute to distinguishing the ventricle end of the bypass in Left deviation or Right deviation, the previous or back, therefore use till today.
(2) The room forms the bypath, wishes in the room
One is less than 0.12 seconds among PR, mostly in 0.10 seconds; QRS wave group is normal, there is no pre- shock wave. The electric chart of this kind of heart is also called short PR, normal QRS syndrome or L, G, L (Lown-Ganong-Levine) now Syndrome.
(3) Form the room, one bunch of rooms to connect
One among PR is normal, QRS wave group is increased widely, there are pre- shock waves.
While defying sex tachycardia on the syndrome room to break out in advance, surge and behave and mostly disappear in advance, the electric chart of heart is sex tachycardia on one group of rooms with normal shape of QRS wave now. It erupt room quiver simultaneously attack room when,keep not getting more rare when lasting that characteristic QRS in advancing, heart spacious room attack or room is quiver charts electric for QRS wave groups of deformity now; Ventricle rate mostly exceed 200 times min, even can be up to for 300 times min. The room can present 1 while attacking: The rooms of room 1 are conducted, and may recognize the room and attack the wave. When room is quiver ventricle law abnormality,it can last QRS wave groups of shape normals specific intermittences long later (might answer bypass issue lengthen, if you can't hide in form room room, conduct by function after disappearing, an excited all or the greater part form and be conducted for room room due to) ,And may recognize the quiver wave of the room. When ventricle rate is extremely quick, can also be with conducting changing in the frequency dependence ventricle.


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