Saturday, January 19, 2013

How is vaccine of hepatitis A selected _'s general knowledge

How is vaccine of hepatitis A selected _'s general knowledge
Start expert: Institute of endemic diseases control of infectious disease in Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention Chief physician Gong XiaoHong Recently, many students in middle and primary schools parents have all received the notice of the school, hope parents inject vaccine of hepatitis A for children. It is a good thing to make vaccine and prevent disease, however, many parents are at a loss a little after getting the notice, because there are several kinds of vaccine of hepatitis A listed on the notice, which kind should be hit for children on earth? It types cheap fearness to be result bad, but if result similar, play seeming, wasting a bit expensive. According to the introduction of chief physician Gong XiaoHong of the institute of endemic diseases control of infectious disease in Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, hepatitis A is one kind in five kinds of types of virus hepatitis, it is a kind of infectious disease of the digestive tract transmitted through excrement mouth, occur frequently in children and the intersection of teenagers and crowd, have infective and better and the wide characteristic of surface prevails, so, propose preschool child and students in middle and primary schools in order to prevent being infected with hepatitis A, you had better inject vaccine of hepatitis A. Generally in will it be two quarter spring and autumn, hepatitis A patient will present high fever, be unable, detest oil, diarrhoea and jaundice symptom season such as prevalence in hepatitis A. But it is different from other infectious diseases of the digestive tract, will not break out at once after infecting with the virus, and there is the incubation period of about 45 days, so, much hepatitis A patients ate the food not clean but infected in winter or summer. New Year's Day and the Spring Festival will come soon, the whole country enters peak period when population flowed, the virus probably flows to by us the crowd. In addition, unavoidable to go to restaurant outside for meals at the festival, the doctor proposes, except pay attention to the intersection of entry and the intersection of hygiene and state of food, inject hepatitis A vaccine to prevent disease an indispensable link too. At present, there are two big classes of vaccine maliciously in hepatitis A vaccine at the market, reduce according to require terms difference of high or low prices divide into in order to reduce poison living vaccine and freeze and do and reduce poison living vaccine ordinarily to the intersection of holding time and size the intersection of poison and living vaccine. Vaccine of hepatitis A is basically domestic and imported and available, there is not a difference for anti- disease result in the human body. Vaccine only needs to inoculate a stitch to reduce the poison and live. Deactivating vaccine needs inoculating twice, separated by in the middle half a year. Inoculate the intersection of hepatitis A and people of vaccine, needing, choose any kind can deal with the intersection of hepatitis A and invasion and attack of virus.


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