Thursday, January 3, 2013

First is overbearing

First is overbearing

First overbearing concept

It is a hyperfunction disease of thyroid gland function that first is overbearing, it is a very common endocrine disease on a kind of clinic. Mean that is caused the thyroid gland function to be strengthened by various reasons, thyroid gland hormone hypersecretion or because thyroid gland hormone (T3, T4) In organism nervous system that level's increasing lead to the fact under blood, a series of high supersession disease group and high excitement symptom and eye symptom of many systems such as circulatory system, digestive system, cardiovascular system.

Epidemiology and science of heredity

This disease sees more women. It may cause a series of clinical manifestation that hormone of thyroid gland too much, such as being afraid of hot, much sweat, appetite are hyperfunction, become thin (or fatly) , symptom of having palpitation, nervous and short-tempered etc.. It is swelling that most first overbearing patients present the thyroid gland, the swelling intensity is light and heavy, a few first overbearing patient's thyroid gland is not swelling. Many first overbearing patient has exophthalmos, the intensity of exophthalmos is light and heavy. The thyroid gland function can find the thyroid gland sucks 131 rate of iodine to increase, hormone of thyroid gland (T3, T4) in the blood while checking The level obviously increases. First most common overbearing type is filling the air goiter of toxicity. Its cause of disease mainly relates to disorder and inborn heredity of immunological function.

Incline to be most obvious by the filling the air goitrous heredity of toxicity in first of different types is overbearing, first other type of is overbearing to generally think that there is obvious relation with heredity. The chance of contracting this disease of the family members of the filling the air goitrous patient of toxicity obviously increases. There can be a plurality of members to suffer from a disease in a family, for example say in a report, there are 11 people to suffer from filling the air goiter of toxicity in a family, 8 among them are women patients, under it in 12 monobasic children, 6 people suffer from a disease. Therefore, this disease is prone to obvious heredity.

Human leucocyte hereditary mark in antigen, have much to discover toxicity person who fill the air goitrous some one or several kinds human the intersection of leucocyte and antigen of patient obviously increase, there are close relations to further explain a disease and heredity.

The thyroid gland is in the distribution position of the human body

The position of the thyroid gland is before the shank, followed by the ring cartilage of the sixth trachea, the muscle group before in the front is a neck. The human thyroid gland began to appear in foetus one, the development of thyroid gland became the gland leaf of left and right sides two after the foetus was born in, the middle department which connects two leaves is the gorge department. Reach maturity in the thyroid gland of adolescence, the weight of the thyroid gland is 15- 30 grams, two pieces of width with their own leaf are 2- 2.5 centimetres, the height is 4- 5 centimetres, the width of gorge department is 2 centimetres, height is 2 centimetres. Women's thyroid gland is slightly greater than the male one. Under the normal situation, because the thyroid gland is very small, very thin, since see and can not also fumble in the shank. If can touch in the shank to the thyroid gland, even can't see, it is swelling to think the thyroid gland to happen. It is often physiology that this kind of intensity is swelling, especially in women youthful puberty, it is not generally a result of disease, but can be pathology sometimes.

First overbearing kind

It is nodular goitrous disease companion first is overbearing in Graves ' how goiters toxics nodular) , act on one's own high function adenoma (Plummer disease) , the iodine is correlated with first the overbearing, hypophysis first is overbearing, HCG relevance first is overbearing

Among them, first Graves overbearing and most common, account for all or first overbearing 85%.

Clinical manifestation

First overbearing patient is mainly shown as clinic: Have palpitation, tachycardia, afraid of hot large sweat, eat and become thin (someone eat fat more too) more Tired and unable and mood is emotional, edgy, insomnia, the intersection of thought and centralized, exophthalmos, the intersection of hand and tongue tremble, goiter or swelling can have amyotrophy and chronic first overbearing myopathic, unable skinning. Women can have menoxenia even amenorrhea, men can have impotence or breast development,etc.. The thyroid gland is swelling to present symmetry, some patient right and wrong symmetry is swelling, goiter or swollen conference is with swallowing, moving up and down, there is a overbearing patient of a part first that has thyroid gland tubercle. The eye caused when first is overbearing changes, one dashes for ward the eyes benignly, patient's eyeball is outstanding, eyes stare at or present the terrified expression in one's eyes; Another kind malignant dashes for ward the eyes, can dash for ward eyes, change while being benign, malignant to dash for ward the intersection of eyes and patient have, afraid all afraid wind, shedding tears, replying depending on, the intersection of eyesight and fail, the intersection of eye and swell and ache, shouting pain, have different often, because the eyeball highly stresses, make eyes unable to totally close, the conjunctiva, cornea expose and cause congestion, edema, cornea to fester etc., even lose one's sight. It is not obvious that some first overbearing patients do not have eye symptom or symptom. The above-mentioned clinical manifestation that is that a model first is overbearing, but not first of each person is overbearing suffers from all clinical symptoms and has, first different kinds of is overbearing, clinical manifestation is different too.

Diagnose the basis

1.Have first overbearing model symptom and physical sign patient.

2.The rate of taking a photograph of 131I of thyroid gland rises (25% of 3 hours; 45% of 24 hours ),And the peak value is advanced ' Taking a photograph of 131I rate of 3 hours is more than 80%) of 24 hours ,T3 inhibit from test negatively ' Can't inhibit) .

3.Total thyroxine ( TT4) of serum ,Original amino acid ( TT3) of thyroid gland of three total iodine , free thyroxine ( FT4) , dissociate three the intersection of iodine and former amino acid ( FT3) of thyroid gland Rising. Serum urges hormone of thyroid gland (TSH) The level is reduced, and to thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) It is reactionless to test excitement.

4.Immunology is checked: Globulin antibody of thyroid gland (TGAb) , thyroid gland microsome antibody (TMAb) Rates positive and last degree and can raise,thyroid gland antibodies (TSAb) stimulating Positive.

Treatment and diet

First is overbearing after making a definite diagnosis of, should limit sports in initial stage treating, stay in bed appropriately, so can make the too fast heart rate lower. After getting complete control in your condition, we think you can be engaged in general physical training, and we should advise you appropriate doing more physical exercises also, in this way you can improve one's own body constitution, effective prevention is infected, can reduce the probability of first overbearing crisis. Certainly, activity regards one's own tolerance as the line, when it is obvious as you choke, should stop at once? Enough for Tuan and kill Zu in fact Gu of Ji inferior beautiful F matte take on the intersection of and the intersection of Yi and the intersection of sword and revolve my darling, of chaste tree, fall large remonstrate with the intersection of Xia and the intersection of Chuan and pure the intersection of Fang and cave comb skill mountain little still? o:p>
In the daily food eaten, kelp, laver, sea Chinese cabbage, ocean fishes, shrimp, crab, shellfish are with abundant iodine. It is disadvantageous to condition that the iodine is excessive, shown as:

1,Iodine whether thyroid gland formate the intersection of thyroid gland and important raw materials of hormone one of, first overbearing patient the intersection of thyroid gland and content of hormone already higher than normal people in the body, offer again food containing iodine, function hyperfunction thyroid gland will formate more hormone, and then aggravate the condition.

2,First overbearing patient's thyroid gland utilizes ability to obviously increase to the living beings of the iodine than normal people, the food containing iodine of the few dosage that even offers, the thyroid gland of the morbid state may produce a lot of thyroid gland hormone of more normal following situations, aggravate the condition.

3,The normal organism will discharge the surplus iodine outside the body after taking in too much food containing iodine, so as not to produce excessive thyroid gland hormone. But first overbearing patient's thyroid gland function is unusually hyperfunction, protect the mechanism and lack proper care by oneself, can't remove surplus raw materials, will excessively utilize the iodine instead, formate a large number of thyroid gland hormone, make the condition worsen.

Therefore, first overbearing patient can't supplement the food containing iodine, should avoid using any food containing iodine and medicine as much as possible instead. It is the highest with the iodine content of the marine product in the food, among them it is very with kelp, jellyfish, laver, tongue string and Mytilus particularly, first overbearing patient should also be careful to use iodine tincture at the same time, includes the iodine throat slice, includes medicines such as iodine radiography pharmaceutical,etc..

First overbearing patient should avoid eating the seafood, for instance food containing iodine such as the kelp, laver, ocean fishes, forbid eating and traditional Chinese medicine such as marine alga, kelp containing iodine,etc.. It does not have iodized salt that the patient should be eaten with the salt. If for should fry, eat after the some time with iodized salt by high temperature with iodized salt, let the iodine be volatilized.

First overbearing patient should notice during taking medicine and on the diet:

1,The spicy food of taboo: Hot pepper, raw spring onions, raw garlic;

2,The seafood of taboo: Kelp, sea shrimp, hairtail, edible seaweed;

3,Taboo strong tea, coffee, tobacco and wine;

4,It is tired to keep the mood calm, defend.

5,Eat more following food: Green cauliflower, Brussels sprouts bud, wild cabbage, white cauliflower, mustard leaf, peach, pear, yellow big Radix Brassicae rapae, soybean, spinach, Radix Brassicae rapae. The food contributes to inhibiting the thyroid gland and making hormone.

First is overbearing to amalgamate disease

First overbearing disease is protracted, , can cause first overbearing crisis, rescue often anxiously but crisis life while being getting serious.

It is endangered and is like nail's overbearing condition to worsen sharply, lead to the fact the supersession of whole body is disorderly seriously that first is overbearing, serious obstacles of function such as cardiovascular system, digestive system, nervous system,etc., often jeopardize the life, such as not diagnosing and rescuing the measure in time, mortality is extremely high. Even diagnose and treat it in time, about 5- 15% of the patients are difficult to escape death by sheer luck.

The emergence principle of this disease is not totally clear yet so far, often in first is too overbearing to get the treatment or through treating the situation not controlled yet, meeting some should surge the factor and cause the emergence of first overbearing crisis. On condition that should defy, the thyroid gland formates a large amount of thyroid gland hormone and releases it into the blood, make original first overbearing condition aggravate sharply, should defy, may enable the vigor of the catecholamine strengthen obviously, further aggravate the condition.

Other attentive matters:

1,Offer sufficient carbohydrate and fat. The carbohydrate and fat have function of saving protein, if is in liberal supply, can make protein give play to its characterized physiological function. Offer sufficient vitamin and inorganic salts. Vitamin and inorganic salts can regulate the physiological function, improve the organism supersession, especially thiamine and vitamin C. Should offer sufficient calcium and iron, in case scarce.

2,Increase animal's viscera appropriately, fresh green leaves vegetables, or supplement vitamin preparation.

3,Control the intersection of cellulose and large food while being appropriate. The phenomenon that first overbearing patient often suffers from diarrhoea, such as too much supply contain rich amount of cellulosic food will be aggravated and suffered from diarrhoea.

4,Avoid using strong tea, coffee, tobacco and wine with stronger irritation,etc..

At first should understand, cure thyroid gland medicine ' Palestinian he thiazole or sulphur oxygen pyrimidine of third base) Side effect,it is common it leucocyte reduce, grain cell lacking, skin pruritus (or rash) ,Minority have liver to damage. Among them it is the most important that scarce with a cell, so should reexamine the leucocyte to count regularly, the persons who reduce employ and raise leucocyte medicine growing, sand liver alcohol,etc. such as enriching the blood, should stop medicines if necessary.

In daily life, a lot of people should eat more kelps after thinking by mistake that it is overbearing to suffer from first, in fact did in this way and interfered with and is unfavorable to first overbearing treatment instead. The correct treatment should avoid the food containing iodine such as kelp, laver, cabbage, marine products fishes and shrimps. Sucking the iodine salt should be substituted by ordinary salt, or put ahead of time while cooking.

In the course of treating, the patient should go to the hospital to reexamine the thyroid gland function regularly, so that doctor according to clinical testing in time adjusting dosage, so as not to produce medicine first, reduce. After some patient subjective symptoms is improved, medicines stop by oneself, it is extremely apt to recur like this, so the administration can't know when best to leave off, need to employ the keeping amount for longer time, the course of treatment is about two years.

Drug therapy should be combined in the midwest, traditional Chinese medicine can adjust the immune state of organism, can reduce and recur.

It is first overbearing inducement that recur to be overworked, nervous, so rational life is arranged, optimistic mood, correct diet and drug therapy are first overbearing and therapeutic key.

First overbearing traditional Chinese medicine is dialectical

1,The liver passes the real fire type:

Main card: The intersection of goitre and swollen eyes is dashed for ward, palpitation is vexed, impatient and irascible, the face is warmed, afraid of hot many sweats, the mouth bitter eye is red, the vibration of limb is thirsty drink more, mostly become thin, the tongue is red, the tongue is thin and yellow, pulse string is counted.

Manage the law: The clear liver purges intense heat, soft and breaks up and forms firmly

2,The deficiency of Yin fire is prosperous type:

Main card: The swollen eyes of goitre are dashed for ward, one is red and hectic, five is vexed and hot, vexed palpitation, edgy, heat of body sweats, mouth do, swallow dry, become thin weak, the intersection of insomnia and many dream, tongue does red? Zong 's leech's Zhyuan 's squid sweet ? o:p>
Manage the law: Invigorate yin, fall fire is soft to come loose, marry firmly;

3,Angry overcast two is empty type

Main card: The swollen eyes of goitre are dashed for ward, bodily form becomes thin, the knee and loin is aching and limp, the tired strength of the spirit, palpitation is seized with terror and second, afraid of hot spontaneous perspiration, insomnia is forgetful, menoxenia, the tongue is red or rubescent, there is little or thin and yellow tongue, pulse is counted accurately.

Manage the law: Benefit angry to establish the yang function, soft to come loose, marry firmly;

4,The strongly fragrant spleen of liver is empty type:

Main card: The swollen eyes of goitre are dashed for ward, mental depression, the rib uncomfortable in chest is bloated, food is little and half congealed, languid and weak, period is rare, or amenorrhea, both hands are thin and quiver, the tongue is light, the tongue is thin and white, the pulse string is thin.

Manage the law: Disperse the depressed liver-energy to solve strongly fragrantly, invigorating the spleen and stomach;

5,The male genital is overbearing and pneumatic type

Main card: Goitre swollen eyes dash for ward, palpitation but irritated, afraid hot many sweat, mouth do, like, drink, physique become thin, irritable and irascible, having a dizzy spell, the god has a headache, both hands quiver, tongue quality is red, there is little tongue, pulse string is counted accurately but strong.

Manage the law: Breed overcastly and sneak the male genital, the flat liver puts out the wind.

First is overbearing


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